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Coldwater Demo Day 2016

June 25, 2016 - Coldwater, MI

It might have just been a ruse to get a bunch of Michigan PPGers to a fly-in, but either way, it worked - and a dozen or so members of the public and a reporter for the local paper showed up to learn about PPG as well! Organized by Kevin Woodward, and hosted at the Coldwater airport, everyone had a great time.

Kevin's invite that made the rounds before the event.

An aerial view of the gathering.

Phil put on a great demo, much of it staying close to the flight line to give the audience a great view.

A closeup of Phil's landing approach.

Mark Deseck flew in some 66 miles from Ragwing Field, having mounted a small "pony" tank to extend his range. He was on fumes by the time he arrived.

Kevin snapped this picture of the local paper the following day.

A brief video compilation of the event.

Est. 2013 - Saline, MI USA

Copyright © 2016 Gene Parunak